You are probably thinking I like rap because of some of the rap videos I put up recently. For a woman my age I shouldn’t. Well, to tell the truth not really. I can’t stand a lot of rap that has come out. The rap that talks about shooting someone, gangsters, sex, dissing a girl. That kind of rap disgust me. It has bad spirit to it. At times I feel I need to run to the bedroom, get on my knees, and repent just from listening to part of that kind of rap.
Gospel rap I can handle. Some people call this rap reform. I like it. It has a great spirit too. Plus I like the kids that rap in these videos. They are definitely making a joyful noise to the Lord. They use their kind of music to bring other kids to God. If that ain’t beautiful, I don’t know what to tell ya. You haven’t read a prophetic word about our youth.
Let me tell you about Trip Lee in the video. He has a family, a wife and one child. Trip also preaches the word at his performances. As a matter of fact, I understand this young man is quitting rap to become a pastor. God is using our youth. We need to be praying for them. Enough of my soapbox, enjoy the video.
By the way, anybody younger than me I consider a kid, lol.