Monday, January 14, 2013

Link Roundup Sunday


  1. Joshua 24:14-15

  2. Kathi Pelton: "I Am Closer Than Any Need You Will ...

  3. The Cloud of His Glory

  4. There is Treasure in Your Trial. Plus notes from video blog.

  5. Not if one is intellectually honest.

  6. John Bevere: How to Arm Yourself for Tribulation

  7. Where Is Global Revival Headed?

  8. God’s Prophetic Promises Make Israel Highly Favored

  9. Chaplains Help Newtown Find 'New Normal'

  10. What's In Your Barbecue?

  11. Baby Squeezing Doctor's Hand from Womb a "Spiritual Moment"

  12. Husband's Prayers Answered When "Ghost Hunter" Wife Calls on Jesus' Name

  13. The Great Commission Is About To Be Fulfilled

  14. Tragic letter from The Hobby Lobby CEO: results of personal freedoms slipping away

  15. Lord Jesus, Come!

  16. Come out of Exile

  17. My Covenant Is Yours

  18. Jewish Group Joins in Protest of Hagel Nomination

  19. Why Isn't the American Church Experiencing revival?

  20. A New Year Forever

  21. The Incredible Power of Forgiveness: Parents Forgive their Daughter's Killer

  22. Firefighter's Faith from Ashes

  23. National Prayer Service on Roe-Wade Anniversary

  24. A New E.R.A. Has Begun: Kingdom Alignment

  25. Fiscal Cliff? What About Our Spiritual Cliff?

  26. Bank of America Freezes Gun Maker’s Account: “We don’t believe you should be selling guns.”

  27. Opinion: Why the Hobby Lobby Hubbub Matters

  28. Ears to Hear/Hearts to Obey

  29. Kingdom Of God Expands As Pentecostalism Explodes

  30. Enter into the Spirit

  31. A Prophetic Word for 2013: Return to Antioch

  32. What Is Holding You Back?

  33. Beyond the Biblical gospels: comparing Luke and Romans...

  34. "Frankenstorm" Hits Israel

  35. Make Your Request Known

  36. Are You In God’s Holy Remnant?

  37. Cindy Jacobs: Live Extraordinary Everyday

  38. Alveda King: Where Is the Outrage Over a Dead Mother and Her Baby?

  39. Find Joy in Him

  40. Chinese Christians Using Internet's Social Networking to Communicate Gospel

  41. A Time to Evaluate the End of One Season and the Beginning on the NEXT: An 8-Day Prayer Focus to Press You Into the New

  42. The worst attacks of Satan I have ever heard of are striking God’s people right now. Here is what you do.

  43. For My Mom on the third Anniversary of Her Passing

  44. This Would Make a Great Front Yard

  45. Pornography is . . .