Sunday, February 3, 2013

Link Roundup Sunday


  1. Numbers 15:30-31 (Torah)

  2. Weapon of the Light

  3. T.D. Jakes: Press Toward Your Miracle

  4. John Belt: The Flood of God's Favor

  5. At least 245 die in Brazilian nightclub fire ‘after indoor fireworks display during band performance’

  6. Sarah Palin: ‘WE HAVEN’T YET BEGUN TO FIGHT!’

  7. The coming collapse of the abortion lobby

  8. "Margin Time" by Garris Elkins

  9. “God’s Alarm Clock” by Garris Elkins

  10. A Touch of Love

  11. The Old Cadillac

  12. Despite Frigid Temps, Thousands Marched for Life in DC

  13. National Prayer Committee Prays for Hollywood

  14. Forging Ahead through Uncharted Waters

  15. An explosion deep within Iran’s Fordow nuclear facility has destroyed much of the installation.

  16. Is America Under the Judgment of God?

  17. Peace of Mind Comes Now!

  18. Woman Uses Jesus' Name to Scare Away Robber

  19. The Ministry of the Hands

  20. From Tragedy to Testimony

  21. American Pastor Saeed Sentenced to 8 Years in Notorious Iranian Prison

  22. The Gift of a Spiritually "Enlarged Heart"

  23. Soldiering on

  24. Wayne LaPierre: NRA won’t accept ‘blame’ for criminals

  25. “Green Jell-O Salad”

  26. Ears to Hear/Hearts to Obey

  27. The Scent of Prayer

  28. Learn to Embrace Your Dreams This Season!

  29. Samuel Rodriguez: Our Prophetic Purpose

  30. A Good Checklist

  31. Miracle Baby and Mother

  32. The Intensifying Presence

  33. Encouragement In A Time Of Grave Fear

  34. A New Book Coming In May

  35. “A 2013 Prophetic Foretaste”

  36. Colorless Christianity

  37. "Come Back to Life"

  38. The Testimony of Prosperity

  39. Essential Information

  40. Chicago Pastor Running Coast to Coast for Water

  41. Dan Cathy's Unconditional Love Wins LGBT Activist's Respect

  42. "Lift Up Your Eyes, For Your Help Is On the Way!"

  43. Let’s Pray America Web Site

  44. This truly is the Lion and the Lamb laying down to...

  45. How to deal with those who Mislead

  46. When God Offends your Mind

  47. Leaders upon the Land

  48. Obama on the defensive big time about guns.

  49. Newtown Calls for Armed School Officers

  50. God wants to do big things through you. Don’t let these simple mistakes hold you back.

  51. Armed Guard Disarms Teen Involved In School Shooting – Media Ignores

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