Sunday, January 6, 2013

Link Roundup Sunday


  1. Exodus 20:1-20

  2. Daily Read – December 30

  3. Your Year Crowned with Good

  4. Comparing Mark and John with Mathematical Models

  5. Christmas

  6. Bill Yount: Are You Feeling Insignificant? You're Only Seeing the Tip of the Iceberg

  7. Francis Frangipane: The War Over Reality

  8. Eileen Fisher: The Well of Salvation Will Be Poured Out Over Our Nation

  9. The Liberal God Delusion

  10. New Year’s Resolutions

  11. 2nd Amendment Evangelization

  12. Daily Read – December 31

  13. It's Not Relevant!

  14. Prophetic Word: My Hand is Moving Across Your Nation in a Miraculous Way

  15. Never Look Back

  16. Best of the Blogroll 2012

  17. Vindicated: King Who Ordered Tides to Stop

  18. Sea of Galilee Rising

  19. Keith Miller: A Time of Release and Favor!

  20. Steve Hill: The Spiritual Avalanche That Could Kill Millions.

  21. The Number One Emotional Problem both outside and inside the Church.

  22. Ears to Hear/Hearts to Obey

  23. Why Am I Here?

  24. A Word For 2013 from Apostle Nancy

  25. New Strength and Ability Released

  26. Divine Appointment

  27. Averting a "Spiritual Cliff"

  28. A Voice From the Past is Warning Us to Take Action

  29. Messages to Hitler: You have done your worst now we will do our best!

  30. A Night of Hope and Healing for Newtown, CT

  31. Living with Expectancy in 2013

  32. I'm Sooooooo Going to Do This!

  33. A Door Is Before You

  34. R.T. Kendall: How to Stop Missing God

  35. The Strengths and Weaknesses of the American Church

  36. Hang Tough

  37. While Gov't Sandy Relief Delayed, Christian Volunteers Already Helping

  38. Lawmaker Calls for Official Prayer in Schools

  39. "Manifest the Brightness of Who He Is"

  40. Has Democracy Failed?

  41. My father is my hero. He hasn’t always been, I’m ashamed to say, but he is now.

  42. 2013 Leadership Symposium - Finishing Strong - January 23, 2013 at the West Salem Foursquare Church in Salem, Oregon

  43. Ears to Hear/Hearts to Obey

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